Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.7


  • Added support to validate mandatory fields for constituting items in bulk using CSV/Excel Upload.
    • Learn More about constitute items in bulk using CSV/Excel upload.

  • PromoStandards pricing automation updated to allow setting same PromoStandards price type on multiple NetSuite price levels .
    • Learn More about Automated Pricing Update Using NetSuite Workflow
  • Improved handling for item constitution of same PromoStandards product Id with different vendors.
  • Improved error message for bulk item constitution when map-reduce scripts deployments are busy.
Image Placeholder

  • Added Setup option - DO NOT RENAME ITEM AS PER MATRIX TEMPLATE to avoid item being renamed as per configured Matrix item name template.  Note: This can be useful if the item names are defined using scripted mapping hooks.

  • Improvement to item constitution, including: 

    • Improved logic for encoding special characters in item name.

    • Added support for Matrix Abbreviation upon item constitution.

    • Added custom scripted hooks to improve logic for setting images on constituted item. Custom hook for setting Image URLs

    • Vendor Sublist will be set on parent item as well.