Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.7
Audience: Administrator, User

Use Case

  • Constituting vendor items in bulk through PromoStandards.


eXtendPS-DE allows you to create items in bulk using a provided CSV/Excel sheet. This feature speeds up the process of creating multiple items at once. It also enables the creation of all available product variants (such as sizes and colors) to quickly create these as matrix items.

Using Bulk Item Constitution

  1. Creating the CSV/Excel Sheet
    Create a CSV or Excel sheet with the list of item styles and their respective vendors as per the following column headers:
    1. ProductId
      Specify the item style.

    2. Vendor
      Specify the vendor name as listed in your NetSuite account. This is case sensitive and must match the exact display as shown on the vendor record in NetSuite.

    3. Category
      Specify the id of the category list field value. If you want to use a text value instead of id, set the column header as CategoryText.

    4. Category2
      Specify the id of the catgory2 list field value. If you want to use a text value instead of id, set the column header as Category2Text. 

ProductId and Vendor are required fields. Category and Category 2 are optional fields. Column headers are case sensitive and need to be specified exactly as shown here.

This process does not support specific color/size combinations. All items' colors and sizes will be created when using this method.

Sample import file format:
                           Image Placeholder

  1. CSV/Excel Sheet Upload
    1. Once the CSV/Excel sheet has been created, open the eXtendPS-DE Bulk Item Constitute page.

    2. To upload the CSV/Excel file for bulk item creation, either drag and drop the file or select it from your files.

    3. Up successful upload, you will receive the following message:
      Your file (XXXXXXX.xlsx) has been submitted successfully. You will be notified via email upon completion. Log id for your uploaded file is 000000.
      Image Placeholder

    4. You can view details of the bulk item constitution process by viewing the eXtendTech Logs record referenced from the log file id.Image Placeholder

    5. If all the eXtendPS-DE Bulk Item Constitution Map/Reduce script deployments are engaged, you will receive the following error message. In such cases, please wait until one of the prior script executions is complete before initiating a new request. 
      Image Placeholder

    6. If there are data or formatting issues in the CSV/Excel sheet, you will receive a validation error message. Once you correct the data or formatting issues, you can process the upload again.Image Placeholder

    7. If no response is received from the supplier's PromoStandards service, or if the item already exists in your account, this will be noted in the email that you receive after processing has completed.

Bulk Item Constitution Best Practices

We recommend constituting at least two items and verifying field mappings are correct before constituting items in bulk.

To avoid timeout errors, limit the import size to 100 products or styles at a time.

Note: Many PromoStandards suppliers apply rate limiting to their endpoints. As a best practice, you should contact your supplier contact(s) to inform them that you will be constituting a large number of items from their catalog into your system before beginning.

Configuring Bulk Item Constitution

To enable the bulk item constitution feature, ensure that the "eXtendPS-DE Bulk Item Constitute" script deployment has been created on the eXtendPS-DE Suitelet.

If the deployment does not exist, you can create one using these steps:
  1. Go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts.

  2. Find the script file titled eXtendPS-DE Suitelet and view it.

  3. Create a new script deployment with the following configuration:
    1. Set the Title as eXtendPS-DE Bulk Item Constitute.

    2. Set the ID as customdeploy_extend_promo_bulk_item_cons

      Note: the ID of this script deployment must be customdeploy_extend_promo_bulk_item_cons

    3. On the Parameters subtab, set the Deployment Type as bulkConstitution
  4. After the script deployment has been created, click the URL field shown in the screenshot above to open CSV/Excel file upload page.

  5. Optionally, you can add a link for this script deployment to custom categories or center tabs as per your requirements to allow quick access.