Version: 1.3.1
Audience: Administrators

eXtendTech is committed to providing support for the latest enhancements added by PromoStandards. Some of the recent service additions require configurations to ensure PromoStandards values are mapped to the right fields and enabling the services within NetSuite flow. This article will help you with instructions for adding support for the latest PromoStandards services versions if you currently happen to use the previous version of the service provided by your vendors.

Below, are details regarding these configurations which will be required for upgrading the version of PromoStandards services within eXtendPS-DE.

Upgrade Steps Overview

Enable new version endpoints - When a new version endpoint is provided by your vendor or your vendor list the endpoint of the latest version on the website with status as production, then you can use that endpoint for accessing their services.

Vendor endpoints update can be automated if the endpoints are listed by your PromoStandards vendor on website. For more details regarding this feature please refer to this article.

For configuring the latest endpoints on vendor record please refer to this article.

Upgrading Inventory 1.2.1 to Inventory 2.0.0

In Inventory 2.0.0 location-based inventory details are included along with future availability details. For more details regarding this upgrade please refer to this article.
No additional configuration is required for this upgrade.

Upgrading Product Data 1.0.0 to Product Data 2.0.0

In product data 2.0.0 some additional fields were added, details regarding Product Data 2.0.0 can be found on the website.

As our item constitution feature involves Product Data service and there are some elements' name which are different in Product Data 2.0.0 so you will need to update some mappings for supporting Product Data 2.0.0 endpoints. Please refer to this article for more details regarding mapping records update.

If you want to create additional mappings based on the updated elements in Product Data 2.0.0 to utilize them in item constitution, you can refer to this article.

Upgrading Invoice 0.0.1 to Invoice 1.0.0

In Invoice 1.0.0 the structure of response is updated and some elements are also included, details regarding Invoice 1.0.0 can be found on the website.

If your vendor is on version 0.0.1 and they moved to version 1.0.0 then you can update your endpoints on vendor record as eXtendPS-DE supports both versions.