Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.1
Audience: Administrator, User


To use eXtendPS-DE with your PromoStandards vendors, they will provide you with a user ID and user password for accessing their services. Then, you can use their PromoStandards endpoints to access the various services offered by your vendor.

There are custom fields available on your NetSuite vendor records for storing the credential and endpoint information.

The eXtendPS-DE bundle enables you to source vendor endpoints directly from the website. You can apply them to your vendor records either as a batch process or manually.

As of eXtendPS-DE 1.3.0, the supported PromoStandards services are:

  • Live Inventory 1.2.1, 2.0.0
  • Order Status 1.0.0
  • Order Shipment Notification 1.0.0
  • Product Data 1.0.0, 2.0.0
  • Product Pricing and Configuration 1.0.0
  • Media Content 1.1.0
  • Purchase Order 1.0.0
  • Invoice Service 0.0.1, 1.0.0

The following sections provide details for configuring your NetSuite vendor record with PromoStandards service information.

NetSuite Vendor Configuration

To utilize the eXtendPS-DE bundle for a vendor (supplier), the vendor must first be configured in NetSuite as a native NetSuite vendor record. Contact your NetSuite Administrator or see NetSuite's SuiteAnswers Help Center for details on creating a Vendor record in NetSuite.

Creating/Updating the PromoStandards Suppliers List

The eXtendPS-DE Supplier custom record is included with the eXtendPS-DE bundle and is created based on the supplier list and their corresponding endpoints present on the's endpoint list.

To creating or update this list, execute the Update PromoStandards Suppliers List job runner.

1. Go to eXtendTech eXtendPS-DE Job Runner.

2. Select the Update PromoStandards Suppliers List option.

3. Click Submit.

Upon execution, this job runner will populate the eXtendPS-DE Supplier custom record with data received from the website. The data will include all PromoStandards suppliers and their live endpoint URLs.

Example eXtendPS-DE Supplier custom record:
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  • The contact information present on the custom record will not be sourced from the PromoStandards website. However, you can specify these values manually for future reference.
  • If a vendor (supplier) is listed on the PromoStandards website but does not have any live endpoint URLs, the eXtendPS-DE Supplier custom record will not be created for that vendor.

Add PromoStandards Endpoints to a Vendor (Supplier)

After obtaining the pre-requisite data from the supplier, you will need to configure a new or existing vendor  record in NetSuite.

1. Go to the NetSuite vendor record for the supplier who has sent you PromoStandards credentials.

2. Depending on the PromoStandards services provided by the supplier, you will receive one or more service endpoints and the associated credentials.

3. Credentials & Endpoints Fields. Note: Out of the box, these fields are located on the eXtendPS-DE or PromoStandards subtab.
  • eXtendPS-DE Vendor Id*
  • eXtendPS-DE Vendor Secret*
  • eXtendPS-DE Order Status Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Order Status Version
  • eXtendPS-DE Inventory Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Inventory Version
  • eXtendPS-DE Order Shipment Notification Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Order Shipment Notification Version
  • eXtendPS-DE Product Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Product Version
  • eXtendPS-DE Media Content Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Media Content Version
  • eXtendPS-DE Purchase Order Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Purchase Order Version
  • eXtendPS-DE Invoice Endpoint
  • eXtendPS-DE Invoice Version
4. Edit your vendor and populate the associated PromoStandards credentials in the eXtendPS-DE Vendor Id and eXtendPS-DE Vendor Secret fields.

Note: The eXtendPS-DE Vendor Secret will be automatically encrypted upon saving the vendor record (on or after eXtendPS-DE version 1.2.5). See Why does the Password Change after I Save the Vendor Record? for more information.

5. Select the associated PromoStandards vendor name in the eXtendPS-DE Vendor field. After selecting the eXtendPS-DE Vendor, the associated endpoints will populate on your vendor record.

Note: the eXtendPS-DE Vendor may not have the same exact name as your vendor record in NetSuite since the eXtendPS-DE Vendor name is from their listing on

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If the endpoints provided by your vendor are different from the auto-populated values, you can edit them manually. By default, all the endpoints for the selected PromoStandards supplier will be populated as provided by the website.

Note: some vendors whitelist access to particular services, and you may need to reach out or sign agreements with the vendor prior to them allowing access to a populated endpoint.

6. For some vendors, the endpoints they host may require namespace information to render values. You can add / remove namespaces using a configuration checkbox on the vendor record and associated endpoint.

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Note: In general, eXtendPS-DE attempts to send XML requests with a lighter body, meaning without the namespace attribute. However, some SOAP providers or supplier endpoints only accept XML requests that include the complete namespace attribute.

7. If you want to change the localization country code or language code, you can do so by specifying it in the PROMO LOCALIZATION COUNTRY and PROMO LANGUAGE CODE fields. By default, these values will be set as “US” and “EN”, respectively.

Note: These values are case-sensitive. So if your vendor is using these values in lowercase then you will have to specify the values in lowercase as well.
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Updating Vendors (Suppliers) Using the Job Runner

If you are updating vendors with PromoStandards endpoints for the first time, you can use a batch update to populate the endpoints from automatically.

To update eXtendPS-DE endpoints:

1. Create a saved search for the vendors which you want to configure by filtering the results. By default, the eXtendPromoStandards - Vendor Search for PromoStandards Endpoint [BUNDLE] will be used.

2. Go to the eXtendPromoStandards Vendor Endpoints Map/Reduce script.

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3. Go to its associated script deployment, and open the eXtendPromoStandards Vendor Endpoints (DO NOT SCHEDULE deployment.

4. Under the Parameters subtab, specify the following fields:

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Internal ID of the saved search created in #1. By default, the eXtendPS-DE - Vendor Search for PromoStandards Endpoint [BUNDLE] will be used if this field is left empty.

Field id of the vendor records whose value will be matched against the list of PromoStandards suppliers. (e.g. {entityid} for the Vendor name).

Matching tolerance limit between the EXTENDPROMOSTANDARDS VENDOR MATCH FIELD ID value and the PromoStandards vendor name as listed on

For updating vendors with PromoStandards endpoints follow the steps below:

1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-DE → PromoStandards Job Runner.

2. Select the Update PromoStandards Suppliers List option.

3. Click Submit.

4. The PromoStandards Suppliers List will be updated based in the data received from the website.

5. When the job is completed, navigate to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-DE → PromoStandards Job Runner.

6. Select the Update PromoStandards Api Endpoints option.

7. Click Submit.

8. Upon submit, all the NetSuite vendors records from the associated saved search in the previous steps will be searched in the PromoStandards supplier list. The matching PromoStandards supplier name will be populated into into the PROMO VENDOR field on the vendor record.

9. As the PROMO VENDOR field is populated on the Vendor record, its corresponding PromoStandards Endpoints will also be populated on the Vendor record as well.

Note: Endpoints will be populated with the values the Vendor has published on the website.

10. Review the NetSuite vendor records and their corresponding PromoStandards suppliers match. You can change the PromoStandards supplier on your NetSuite vendor manually if the data sourced from the website is out of date or incorrect (or if your vendor has sent you more up-to-date information than they have listed on

11. Navigate to your PromoStandards vendors and enter the PromoStandards credentials which they have provided to you.

Note: The Update PromoStandards Api Endpoints batch process uses a fuzzy search to match the PromoStandards supplier names with your NetSuite vendors. We recommend manually validating the matches after the process is complete to ensure 100% accuracy.