Version: 1.0.7 and above
Audience: Administrator


  1. SanMar Credentials - Before configuring the eXtendSanMar setup you must have your SanMar credentials to access SanMar services. Below is the information which will be required for configuring SanMar:
    1. USERNAME - Username as received from SanMar for accessing their web service API.
    2. CUSTOMER NUMBER - Your customer number as provided by SanMar.
    3. HOST NAME - SanMar hostname for accessing their web services APIs.
    4. PASSWORD - Password as received from SanMar for accessing their web service API.

      Note: In some cases SanMar provide different credentials for their UAT or test environment, so you should ask for the credentials for UAT or test environment from SanMar for validating the working of services before going live.
  2. Adding SSO in SanMar Setup deployment - Before configuring the eXtendSanMar setup make sure that the SSO id is configured correctly on the eXtendAlphaBroder setup deployment. Note: Make sure that suite sign on feature is enabled in your account.
    1. Navigate to: Customization → Scripting → Scripts.
    2. Find the script file titled eXtendSanMar Suitelet and View it.
    3. View the Deployments for the script on the Deployments subtab and Edit the eXtendTech SanMar Configuration Setup {customdeploy_extend_sanmar_config_setupdeployment.Image Placeholder
    4. Click the Parameters subtab, and enter customsso_extend_sanmar_sso_id into the EXTENDTECH SANMAR SSO ID field and click Save.Image Placeholder
  3. Saved Searches - 
    1. Saved search for scheduled PO placement to SanMar - Saved search on PO record for placing PO to SanMar. A PO search is provided along with bundle i.e. eXtendSanMar Purchase Order[Bundle] {customsearch_extend_sanmar_purchase_orde}, you can copy this search and add any additional filters to it as per your requirement.
    2.  Saved search for processing the purchase order to be fulfilled from SanMar - Saved search on PO record for filtering PO records which you want to be fulfilled as per the response received from SanMar. A PO search is provided along with bundle i.e. eXtendSanMar Purchase Order For Item Fulfillment[Bundle] {customsearch_extend_sanmar_item_fulfillm}, you can copy this search and add any additional filters to it as per your requirement.
    3. Saved search for processing the purchase order to be billed from SanMar - Saved search on PO record for filtering PO records which you want to be bill as per the response received from SanMar. A PO search is provided along with bundle i.e. eXtendSanMar Purchase Order For Vendor Bill[Bundle] {customsearch_extend_sanmar_po_for_bill}, you can copy this search and add any additional filters to it as per your requirement.
    4. Saved search for SanMar item pricing update - Saved search on item record which will be used for filtering item records for their purchase price update on scheduled basis.

Setup Configuration

  1. Navigate to the eXtendSanMar Setup at eXtendTech > SanMar > Setup. 
  2. There are four configuration main groups as listed below:
    1. General Configuration:
      Image Placeholder
      1. SUBDOMAIN - Specify the subdomain for communicating with the eXtendTech item database.  Note: If this field is disabled and already populated, you may have another eXtendTech Bundle in your account which already has a subdomain specified.

    2. SanMar Credentials Information: Image Placeholder
      1. USERNAME Specify your username for the SanMar web services API.
      2. CUSTOMER NUMBER - Specify your Customer number for the SanMar web services API. 
      3. HOST NAME
        Specify the SanMar hostname for their web services APIs. For production, it is generally

        For staging/UAT it is generally or

      4. PASSWORD - Specify your password for the SanMar web services API. 
    3. Email Configuration:Image Placeholder
      1. EMAIL SENDER FOR NOTIFICATION - In case of any updates or errors in schedule scripts, a notification email will be sent from the selected email sender. 
      2. RECEIVER’S EMAIL FOR NOTIFICATION - The email sent by the sender mentioned above will be received by the receiver(s) specified here. 
    4. Item Constitution Settings:Image Placeholder
      1. ITEM TYPE - Select the Item Type to be created while constituting SanMar items.
      2. ITEM CONSTITUTION TYPESelect the item constitution type. It could be matrix, non-matrix and non-matrix with parent, details regarding these are listed below: 
        1. Matrix. The Item will be constituted as a matrix item and grouped under the style code as the parent item. 
        2. Non-Matrix with Parent. The Item will be constituted as a non-matrix item and grouped under the style code as the parent item. 
        3. Non-Matrix. The Item will be constituted as a non-matrix item and no parent item will be created. 
      3. MATRIX ITEM NAME TEMPLATEThis field is used to control how the matrix item will be displayed in the Matrix Item Name/Number field. We recommend the value as snm-{custitem_extend_SanMar_style}-{custitem_extend_SanMar_color}-{custitem_extend_SanMar_size}  
        Please ensure the value is chosen in a way that each matrix child will be generated with a unique name. 
      4. MATRIX COLOR OPTION LIST FIELDChoose the Matrix Color Attribute List Field. Make sure this field is a Matrix option to avoid error(s). 
      5. MATRIX COLOR LIST IDSpecify the internal ID of the custom list that represents the selected Matrix Color Option List Field. 
      6. MATRIX SIZE OPTION LIST FIELDChoose the Matrix Size Attribute List Field. Make sure this field is a Matrix option to avoid error(s). 
      7. MATRIX SIZE LIST IDSpecify the internal ID of the custom list that represent the selected Matrix Size Option List Field. 
      8. ABBREVIATE MATRIX LIST IN NAME - If you want to use matrix field abbreviation to set in Item Name/Item Number then check this checkbox either full color & size name as received from SanMar response will be used.
        For e.g. Matrix color field is Black and it's abbreviation is BLK then upon item constitution color will be shown as BLK in Item Name/Item Number.
        Refer this article for more details regarding this feature.
      9. NON-MATRIX COLOR FIELDSelect the Non-Matrix color attribute field. 
      10. NON-MATRIX SIZE FIELDSelect the Non-Matrix size attribute field. 
      11. VENDORSelect the Vendor to be associated with the SanMar web services API. Note: Upon item constitution this vendor reference and associated purchase price will be set in the vendor subtab on the item record. 
      12. SET SANMAR AS PREFERRED VENDOR ON ITEMSThis checkbox determines whether to set “SanMar” as the default vendor on items upon item constitution/update. If there is an existing vendor during refresh/update, SanMar will not be added as the preferred vendor on item. 
      13. CATEGORY LIST FIELDSpecify the internal ID of list that represents SanMar categories. 
      14. CATEGORY ITEM LIST FIELDSpecify the internal id of item field that represents the SanMar Categories list. 
      15. IS CATEGORY REQUIRED ON ITEM SEARCHThis checkbox determines whether to make the Category field mandatory on item constitution page. 
      16. REFRESH ITEM NAME OF EXISTING ITEMIf this field is checked, the Item Name/Item Number will be refreshed on an existing item upon clicking the Refresh buttons or re-constituting the same item. 
    5. Sub-tab: Purchase Order 
      Image Placeholder
      1. EXTENDSANMAR PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER - This field contains the Purchase Order Number for placing the purchase order with SanMar.
      2. EXTENDSANMAR RESIDENCE(MUST BE CHECKBOX) - Choose the field which determines if the Purchase Order shipping address is a residential address.
      3. EXTENDSANMAR DEPARTMENT - This field contains the department for placing the purchase order with SanMar.
      4. EXTENDSANMAR SHIP EMAIL - This field contains the shipping email for placing the purchase order with SanMar.
      5. EXTENDSANMAR SHIP TO - This field contains the customer you are shipping this order to, for placing the purchase order with SanMar.
      6. SHORT SHIP(MUST BE CHECKBOX) - Transaction body field in NetSuite of type checkbox which determines whether to place PO to SanMar or not if the quantity mentioned against your items on your PO record is not fully available in SanMar inventory.
        If this checkbox field is checked then PO will be placed without checking the availability of PO line items with SanMar. If this checkbox is unchecked PO will be placed only if SanMar has enough stock to fulfill the line items.
      7. LOCATION BASED WAREHOUSE - This checkbox determines whether to select location based SanMar warehouse to place purchase orders or not.
      8. ITEM SIZE INDEX - Specify the internal ID of the NetSuite item field which contains SanMar item size index on item record.  
      9. ITEM INVENTORY KEY - Specify the internal ID of the NetSuite item field which contains SanMar item inventory key on item record.  
      10. ITEM MESSAGE - Specify the internal ID of the NetSuite item field which contains message which you want to send to SanMar on PO placement against the item.
      11. SCHEDULED PO SAVED SEARCH - Saved search ID of the saved search which will filter all the PO records for which automatic SanMar PO placement will be executed on scheduled basis. You can use the saved search created n prerequisite steps.
        Note: The M/R used for this purpose is “eXtendTech SanMar PO Creation Map/Reduce”, you will need to create a scheduled deployment of this script based on your requirement. 
      12. NETSUITE TO SANMAR SHIP METHOD MAPPING - Specify mappings for the NetSuite ship method to SanMar’s ship method for placing the purchase order with SanMar.
        Note: Before creating this mapping please make sure that SanMar ship method records are created in your NetSuite account. SanMar ship methods can be generated using SanMar suitelet deployment: eXtendSanMar Create Ship Method Record
      13. NETSUITE TO SANMAR WAREHOUSE MAPPING - Specify mappings for the NetSuite location & SanMar warehouse locations which will be used if “Location based Warehouse” checkbox is checked on the setup.
    6. Subtab: Inventory Image Placeholder
      1. PAGE SIZE - Number of rows that will be shown per page on the Inventory search result page. 
      2. SHOW INVENTORY PRODUCT MESSAGE Determines whether the inventory product message will be shown on inventory search result page or not. 
    7. Subtab: Pricing Image Placeholder
      1. PAGE SIZE - Number of rows that will be shown per page on the Pricing search result page. 
    8. Subtab: Additional Settings 
      Image Placeholder
      1. Refresh Button Settings
        1. SHOW REFRESH FROM SANMAR BUTTON ON ITEMS - If this field is checked a button will show on the Item record to refresh item details from SanMar. Warning! If you enable this feature, clicking the refresh button on the item can override the changes made on the item record in NetSuite with the data received from SanMar.
        2. SHOW REFRESH SANMAR PRICING BUTTON ON ITEMS - If this field is checked a button will show on Item to refresh item pricing details from SanMar. Warning! If you enable this feature, clicking the refresh button on item will override the changes made to item pricing details in NetSuite with the data received from SanMar.
        3. REFRESH SALE PRICE ON EXISTING ITEMS - If this field is checked then the Sales Price will be refreshed on existing items upon clicking Refresh buttons or re-constituting the same item.
      2. Miscellaneous Settings
        1. MAX API RESPONSE SIZE - Specify the maximum API response size (in MB) that is allowed for all eXtendSanMar services.
        2. ITEM SHIPMENT SAVED SEARCH - All the Purchase Orders that will fall in the results of the specified saved search will be processed for creating fulfillments from the SanMar response.
        3. DEFAULT ITEM SHIPMENT STATUS - Default shipment status that will be set on item fulfillment record.
          Note: If you are setting something other than ‘Shipped’ tracking numbers may not be set.
        4. VENDOR BILL SAVED SEARCH - All the Purchase Orders that will fall in the results of the specified saved search will be processed for creating bills from the SanMar response. You can use the saved search created n prerequisite steps. Note: In the case of any discrepancies between the NetSuite Vendor Bill and the SanMar Bill, the Vendor Bill Status will be set as “Pending Approval”.
        5. MAXIMUM STATUS INFORMATION IN EMAIL - Maximum number of statuses that you would receive in single email.
          This is used to configure the email size to avoid too many order status or constituted items coming up in single email.
        6. AVOID RUNNING M/R SCRIPTS IN SANDBOX & RP - By checking this checkbox M/R scripts of SanMar related functions will not be executed in your Sandbox or RP accounts. We recommend to always check this checkbox in production account because in case of Sandbox refresh or RP account activation it will avoid executing SanMar related M/R (Map/Reduce)scripts from your Sandbox or RP account. Refer this article for more details regarding this feature.
        7. ALLOW PLACE PO IN SANDBOX & RP - This checkbox enables you to place PO from your Sandbox account. Although it doesn't have any impact on production account but we recommend to always keep this checkbox uncheck to avoid any accidental PO placement from Sandbox account in case of Sandbox refresh. Refer this article for more details regarding this feature.

          Note: If the Multiple Pricing feature (Setup > Company > Enable Features > Transactions) is not enabled in your account then the “Sales Price” field will appear on your Setup Screen. This field is mandatory. The field selected here will be used for constituting the Sales Price on items during item constitution. 
        8. ITEM SEARCH LIMIT FOR CONSTITUTION - Specify the number of items which can be searched from database while constitution. 

      3. Purchase Price Bulk Update
        1. SAVED SEARCH ID - Saved search ID to filter item records on which bulk purchase price update scheduled script will execute. You can use the saved search created n prerequisite steps. Note: For this purpose, the M/R script which is being used is “eXtendTech SanMar Purchase Price MR”. You will have to create a scheduled deployment of this script as per your requirement. Refer this article for more details regarding the configuration of this feature.
      4. Custom Integration Configuration
        1. DO NOT CONSTITUTE NEW ITEMS FOR MISSING COMBINATION - This checkbox's value will be used in cases where custom integration is used for updating some specific fields of items constituted via eXtendSanMar. Please contact eXtendTech support if you want to update some specific fields of SanMar items in your account on scheduled basis.
      5. Item Linking Configuration
        1. ONLY SET ADDITIONAL FIELDS FROM TRANSFORMERS SCRIPT? - This checkbox's value will be used in cases where item linking script is configured and it executes. For more details regarding linking your legacy items with SanMar please refer to this article - Linking Existing NetSuite Items to SanMar via Map/Reduce Script