Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.2.8 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


The Invoice JSON View feature allows you to view incoming PromoStandards invoice responses. This feature is helpful in analyzing the data available from PromoStandards and determining whether it needs to be mapped to your NetSuite Vendor Bill during creation.


To enable the Invoice JSON View feature, add a new "eXtendPS-DE Suitelet" script deployment.

  1. From an Administrator role, go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the "eXtendPS-DE Suitelet" Suitelet.

  2. If an existing script deployment for eXtendPS-DE Invoice JSON has not been created, create a new script deployment with the values below:

    1. We recommend naming the deployment "eXtendPS-DE Invoice JSON".

    2. Set the script ID for the script deployment as: customdeploy_extend_psde_invoice_search.

      : NetSuite will prefix "customdeploy" to the script ID, so you only need to enter _extend_psde_invoice_search

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    3. Set the "Deployment Type" script parameter as getinvoice.
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  3. Add the center link from links subtab. For details regarding eXtendPS-DE center links, see to eXtendPS-DE Center Links Creation Guide.

Using the Invoice JSON View

  1. Go to eXtendTech  eXtendPS-DE  Invoice JSON.Image Placeholder

  2. Enter the Reference Number to be searched. It can either be a Purchase Order number or an Invoice number.

  3. If the specified reference number exists in your NetSuite account, the Vendor and Order Type fields will automatically be populated.

  4. Once all the field values are specified, click Submit to generate the invoice response in JSON format as shown below:
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