Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.6 and above
Audience: Administrator


The list below contains the list of known errors for purchase order generation via eXtendPS-SE.

Known Errors List

  1. Invalid Date: Date must be in ISO format.
  2. Invalid Currency: The currency of the purchase order should be in ISO 4217 format.
  3. PO Already Placed: The PO # for the same customer cannot be repeated. PO # can be repeated among different customers.
  4. Invalid Shipment In Ship method Array: The shipment id referenced in the ShipmentLink object should be correct in the PO service response.
  5. Shipment Method Not Found: Freight detail object's carrier and service should match with NetSuite's ship carrier and its corresponding ship method.
  6. PartId Not Found
  7. FobId Not Found
  8. Location Link Part Array Unequal: Every part should have the same value for linkLocationId.
  9. Location Array Required For Deco Charges: LocationArray must be passed for setting decoration charges.
  10. Location LinkId Missing In Loc Array: All "locationLinkId" in Configuration.LocationArray must be present in every Part of PartArray locationLinkId.
  11. Charge Not Found: There should be a charge item against each charge ID present in the PO response.
  12. Part With No IMC Group
  13. IMC Group Not Found: IMC group must be defined on the item for creation of an order with decoration charges.
  14. IMC Not Found For Location: IMC must be defined for the item's decoration location as received in the PO response.
  15. Part With Different IMC Groups: All parts should have the same IMC group.
  16. No Location For Deco Charge: Decoration charges must be referenced to a decoration location.
  17. No Deco Charge For Location: At least one setup charge is required for decoration.
  18. Setup Charge Missing For First Location: Setup charge must be present for each location.
  19. Deco Setup Incomplete: This error occurs when decoration fields on the purchase order setup page are not completed.