  • eXtendOrders and above
  • eXtendFiles 1.5.3 and above
Audience: Administrator


When you have both eXtendOrders 2.0 and eXtendFiles installed, you can use the "File Picker" feature within eXtendOrders. The File Picker is an interface that allows you to create a new file or select an existing file using eXtendFiles.

eXtendOrders Configuration

File Picker Button Label

eXtendOrders allows configuration of the File Picker's field label within the eXtendOrders Configurator.
  1. Go to eXtendTech eXtendOrders Setup.
  2. On the Item Picker subtab, enter your desired field label in the "FILE PICKER BUTTON LABEL" field.
    Image Placeholder

Additional Field Value

eXtendOrders allows configuring additional field values set be set on files which are created with the File Picker within the eXtendOrders Configurator.
  1. Go to eXtendTecheXtendOrdersSetup.
  2. On the Item Picker subtab, enter your desired configuration in the "EXTENDFILES ADDITIONAL URL PARAM" field. Specify the field value configuration in the following format: {field ID}={value}.
    1. By default, &custrecord_extfile_type_custlist=2 is specified. This sets the eXtendFiles File Type for uploaded files to "Original Artwork". "2" is the internal id for the "Original Artwork" list value in the custrecord_extfile_type_custlist

eXtendFiles Configuration

Script Deployments

The following script deployment needs to be created to utilize the File Picker.

  1. File and view the "eXtendFiles Suitelet" script.
  2. If the following deployment does not already exist for the script, deploy it based on the details below.
Name: eXtendFiles Upload Modal 
ID: customdeploy_extend_files_upload_modal

  • EXTENDTECH FILES SUITLET DEPLOYMENT: Specify value as "uploadframe".
  • EXTENDFILES SSO ID: customsso_extend_files_sso_prod
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Setup Configuration

To configure how the eXtendFiles record interacts with eXtendOrders, define the behavior on the eXtendFiles Setup page.

  1. Go to eXtendTecheXtendFileseXtendFiles.
  2. Select the File Picker subtab.
  3. Define the fields in the Basic File Picker Configuration.
    1. File Picker Saved SearchId
      This field is an eXtendFiles-based saved search which can be used to filter out files which you do not want to make available in the File Picker. For example, if you have a mix of artwork files and invoice files, you may only want to show artwork files.
    2. File Picker Field
      Define the field on the transaction which will hold the eXtendFiles field reference. We recommend using the built-in "Files Records" field.
    3. eXtendFile URL
      Define a text or hyperlink field which will hold the eXtendFiles url reference. We recommend using the built-in "eXtend - Original Artwork Link" field.
    4. eXtendFile File URL
      Define the url field from the eXtendFiles record which will be added to the transaction.
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Note: If you are using a storage type in eXtendFiles which does not make files publicly available for access, additional configuration is required to create signed links. See Generating eXtendFiles Signed Link/URL via Workflow for more information on signed link generation.

Transaction Form Configuration

On the eXtendOrders-enabled transaction forms, make sure that the File Picker field is visible on the form. See File Picker Missing from eXtendOrders Decoration Configuration for more information.