

  • The Password Reset process now sends an email to the user with a self-service reset link, eliminating the need for NetSuite Administrator assistance.
  • Selected dropdown options now display at the top of the list.
  • Dynamic filter expressions for dropdown fields no longer require additional brackets.
  • Added support for sourcing Billing/Shipping address lists on Sales Orders for selected customers.
  • Relocated Configure eXtendMobile App Settings to the menu tab, accessible via the profile icon at the bottom of the eXtendMobile home screen after logging in.
  • Enhanced list view action icons: Web users see labels on hover, mobile users upon long press. This improves user experience by providing information while saving screen space.
  • The "Save and New" button is now hidden when an update/transform function is opened via linked function.
  • During configuration, Web View functions now prefix "https://" automatically when not included in the provided source URL.
  • Advanced eXtendMobile Admin users can manually add filter fields for select options when field IDs are known and not available in the select options list.
  • Improved Select and Multi-Select functionality with check icons for selected values and prioritized display of selections.
  • Enhanced field mapping for the eXtendFiles record type to improve compatibility between source and target functions when sharing the same record type.


  • Fixed duplicate line item issue in edit and view functions for Transfer Orders.
  • Fixed bug where line items were required during create functions for Opportunities.
  • Fixed submission errors when invalid Opportunity numbers are entered.
  • Fixed errors occurring when customer-type users execute functions.
  • Fixed search errors when opening create functions from custom list function buttons.
  • Prevented eXtendMobile Admin users from re-arranging eXtendFiles uploader fields in mobile.
  • Added handling for invalid search column errors when re-executing functions.
  • Fixed application crash when double-tapping on inventory detail at the sublist level.
  • Enabled true/false selection for boolean/checkbox filter fields in select option configuration.
  • Resolved web app crashes occurring when selecting function group filters and scrolling.
  • Fixed missing email and phone icons for corresponding data types in view functions.
Some of the features described above will not be active until the SuiteApp has been upgraded to version 1.12.172 or higher in NetSuite. Current subscribers will be contacted by eXtendTech to coordinate the SuiteApp update within NetSuite.