Version: eXtendPS-DE and above
Audience: Administrator, User


1. Your vendor's Order Status and Order Shipment Notification endpoints should set.

2. A valid Vendor ID and Vendor Secret should be set.
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Order Status Usage

Using the "Update Order Status" Purchase Order button

The eXtendPS-DE bundle allows you to update the Order Status on a Purchase Order directly from the record. You can view a video demo of the feature here.

1. Go to the Purchase Order whose Order Status you wish to update.

2. Click the Update Order Status button to retrieve the current Order Status and the Expected Ship Date and Expected Receipt Date directly from your Vendor.
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Order Status, Expected Ship Date, and Expected Receipt Date will render as shown in the above screenshot after record is refreshed.

Note: This button will not be visible if the Order Status changes to “Complete”, if the Vendor doesn't have Order Status endpoints configured, or the Vendor is marked as Inactive in NetSuite.

Using the Map/Reduce Script for Scheduled Updates

You can update the Order Status on your Purchase Orders using the bulk-update methods below. See Bulk Update the PromoStandards Order Status on Purchase Orders for additional information on configuring and deploying the bulk-update features.

Scheduled Update

The Map/Reduce script "eXtendPS-DE Update Order Status" is used for bulk updates of the PromoStandards Order Status.

You can create scheduled deployments of this script to automate the Order Status updates to run a schedule. 

On-Demand Update

The eXtendPS-DE Job Runner can be used to execute a bulk update for Order Status on-demand as shown in the screenshot below. This method uses the Map/Reduce script above above for executing the bulk update process.

1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-DE  PromoStandards Job Runner.

2. Select the Order Status Batch Jobs option.
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Note: The orders which will be considered for having their Order Status updated will be based on the saved search configured on the eXtendPS-DE Setup page in the "ORDER STATUS SAVED SEARCH ID" field. The Expected Ship Date and Expected Receipt Date fields will be updated in the fields from the "EXPECTED SHIP DATE FIELD" and "EXPECTED RECEIPT DATE FIELD", respectively, as shown below. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information regarding your account's configuration.

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Order Shipment Notification Usage

Using the "Update Order Shipment Notification" button on the Purchase Order

The eXtendPS-DE bundle allows you to update your Purchase Order's Order Shipment Notification details directly on the Purchase Order record using the "Update Order Shipment Notification" button.

You can view a video demo of the feature here.

To update the Order Shipment Notification information on your Purchase Order record:
1. Go to your Purchase Order record.

2. Select the eXtendPS-DE subtab.

Note: this subtab may be named "PromoStandards" depending on your NetSuite environment.

3. Click the Update Order Shipment Notification button to request Order Shipment Notification information from your Vendor.

After clicking the button, the Order Shipment Notification details related to your Purchase Order will be displayed as shown below.

Note: This button will not be visible if your Vendor is not configured with Order Shipment Notification endpoints, if the Vendor is marked as Inactive in NetSuite, or if the Order Shipment Notification response is received as "Complete". If the Order Shipment Notification status is received as Complete, then the "PromoStandards Is Shipment Complete" checkbox will be marked with a check.

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The Combined Order Status and Order Shipment Notification feature was disabled for this example.

Tracking numbers that you will receive in the Order Shipment Notification response will be populated in the PROMOSTANDARDS OSN TRACKING NUMBERS field as shown in the screenshot above.

Order Shipment Notification details will also be populated in the PROMOSTANDARDS ORDER SHIPMENT NOTIFICATION GLOM field in JSON format as shown in the screenshot above.

Combined Order Status and Order Shipment Notification HTML feature

This feature can be enabled on the eXtendPS-DE Setup screen by your NetSuite Administrator by setting the "COMBINE OS AND OSN HTML" field to checked on the Order Shipment Notification subtab.

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If this option is unchecked, then upon clicking the Update Order Shipment Notification button on the Purchase Order record only Order Shipment Notification information will be retrieved and rendered.

If this option is checked, then upon clicking the Update Order Shipment Notification button the Purchase Order record it will retrieve and render both the Order Shipment Notification and Order Status information.

The following columns will be displayed in the Order Shipment Notification table when the Combine OS and OSN HTML preference is enabled.

  1. Purchase Order #
  2. Factory Order #
  3. Status
  4. Quantity
  5. Expected Ship Date
  6. Expected Delivery Date
  7. Tracking #
  8. Respond To
  9. Additional Explanation
  10. Updated (statusTimeStamp from Order Status)
  11. Item #.

    Note: Hovering your mouse over the Item # will show a tooltip with additional item information. 

Upon successful Order Status/Order Shipment Notification, the message below will be displayed.

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Combined Order Status/Order Shipment Notification Example

If Order Status information is not available and only an Order Shipment Notification response is received, the following columns will be displayed in the Order Shipment Notification table when the Combine OS and OSN HTML preference is enabled.

  1. Purchase Order #
  2. Factory Order #
  3. Quantity
  4. Shipment Date
  5. Tracking #
  6. Distributor Item Id
  7. Distributor Part Id
  8. Supplier Item Id
  9. Supplier part Id
Upon successful Order Shipment Notification update (but when Order Status is not received), the message below will be displayed.

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Combined Order Status/Order Shipment Notification Example when Order Status is unavailable

If Order Status information is available and no Order Shipment Notification response is received, the following columns will be displayed in the Order Shipment Notification table when the Combine OS and OSN HTML preference is enabled.

  1. Purchase Order #
  2. Factory Order #
  3. Status
  4. Expected Ship Date
  5. Expected Delivery Date
  6. Respond To
  7. Additional Explanation
  8. Updated (statusTimeStamp from OS)
Upon Order Shipment Notification update (but when an Order Shipment Notification is not received and only Order Status is received), the message below will be displayed.

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Combined Order Status/Order Shipment Notification Example when Order Shipment Notification is unavailable

Note: If multiple Order Status responses are received, then all statuses will be shown in the table:

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Using the Map/Reduce Script for Scheduled Updates

Scheduled Update

The Map/Reduce script "eXtendPS-DE OSN Glom" is used for bulk updates of the PromoStandards Order Shipment Notification.

You can create scheduled deployments of this script to automate the Order Shipment Notification updates to run on a schedule.

By default, the saved search used by this script to filter the Purchase Order records to be updated is sourced from the "ITEM SHIPMENT SAVED SEARCH ID" field on the eXtendPS-DE Setup screen under the Order Shipment Notification subtab.

You can override the search above by providing a separate saved search ID under the script level parameter "OSN INPUT PO SAVED SEARCH ID" on your scheduled deployment as shown below. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information regarding your account's configuration.

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Saved search field on the eXtendPS-DE Setup

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Script level parameter for using a separate Saved Search

On-Demand Update

The eXtendPS-DE Job Runner can be used to execute a bulk update for Order Shipment Notification as shown in the screenshot below. This method uses the Map/Reduce script above for executing the bulk update process.

1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendPS-DE → PromoStandards Job Runner.

2. Select the Order Shipment Batch Jobs option.

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Note: The orders which will be considered for having their Order Shipment Notification information updated will be based on the saved search entered on the eXtendPS-DE Setup page in the "ITEM SHIPMENT SAVED SEARCH ID" field. If no value is specific, the script level parameter field "OSN INPUT PO SAVED SEARCH ID" will be used. Contact your NetSuite Administrator for more information regarding your account's configuration.
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Order Shipment Notification Update (On Sales Order Record)

eXtendPS-DE allows you to render the Order Shipment Notification information on your Sales Order, too.

Since a Vendor is not present on the Sales Order record, you will need to provide additional information which will be used for rendering the Order Shipment information on the Sales Order.

A Vendor can be selected on the Sales Order using the following methods.

1. The Order Shipment Notification update will first look at the Sales Order field "eXtendPS-DE Vendor". If a Vendor is present in this field, then this Vendor's Order Status and Order Shipment Notification endpoints will be used for the update.

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2. The Order Shipment Notification update will look at the Vendor in the script level parameter "eXtendPS-DE OSN VENDOR ID" on the "eXtendPS-DE OSN Glom" Map/Reduce script deployment.

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Notes: Currently, the Sales Order Order Status and Order Shipment Notification feature is processed on a Scheduled Update or On-Demand update. There currently aren't buttons on the Sales Order for triggering the update.

Scheduled Update

The process of configuring and running the scheduled Sales Order Order Shipment Notification script deployment is the same as the section above for Purchase Order configuration.

The only difference in this case is regarding the vendor specification using the eXtendPS-DE Vendor field or the eXtendPS-DE OSN Vendor ID script level parameter field.

On-Demand Update

The process of configuring and running the scheduled Sales Order Order Shipment Notification script deployment is the same as the section above for Purchase Order configuration.

The only difference in this case is regarding the vendor specification using the eXtendPS-DE Vendor field or the eXtendPS-DE OSN Vendor ID script level parameter field.