Version: 1.1.1
Audience: Users


  • Lets you capture quotes through vendors without having them to log into your NetSuite account.
  • Each vendor fills the item attributes and Quote for it in pre-item records via external web form
  • You mark one of the vendor RFQ to win leading to creation of item record in NetSuite
  • You can even let vendors upload files to web form while quoting for item and providing item attributes.
    • Please refer to this link for more details regarding this feature.

Below, is a list of step by step eXtendVendor RFQ process flow within NetSuite:

  1. Creating Opportunity & PIR Records

  2. Creating RFQs for Vendors

  3. Generating External Web Form (Public URLs) for RFQs 

  4. Vendor RFQ Response & Submission Guide

  5. Marking ‘Winning’ Vendor & Constituting Item Records

eXtendVendorRFQ lets you capture quotes with or without opportunity records:

  • Please refer to this article for more information regarding staring on process without an opportunity record.