Version: eXtendOrders

  • Added an option to hide PMS Color and Imprint Color fields in the configurator UI. Learn More.
  • Added a Setup option to set the Artwork File Link only on Setup line. With this option disabled, the Artwork File Link flows on all other deco line items (i.e. First Run and Additional run line items) for the specified cluster/decoration.
  • Added configurator UI support on Item Records to easily configure Pre-Configured items. Note: this may require additional configuration based on the Item Type. Learn More.
  • Added configurator UI support on Purchase Order records to be able to enter Decorated eXtendOrders directly against the Purchase Order record which do not originate from an eXtendOrders Decorated Sales Order.
  • Mitigate the chance of errors when a user is selecting a ship method which is not mapped to the current Ship Carrier on the Sales Order.
  • Fixed a bug to allow all IMCs of an IMC group to be made available on the configurator UI for user selection.
  • Added an alert for line item generation which was previously being logged only in browser console.
  • Fixed a bug to avoid duplicate OIC lines being created when using the Copy Order feature when the line items are pre-configured items.

Version: eXtendOrders

  • Added an option to let the Imprint Locations be rendered on Configurator UI based on the available Imprint Methods. Learn More.
  • Improved the modal search performance.
  • Configurator UI layout changes.
  • Fixed a bug to ensure the Surcharge modal displays all the line items which are configured as per the search.
  • Fixed a bug to ensure the OIC lines are carried over to Sales Order record from the Quote/Estimate record upon transformation. This feature requires eXtendOrders be configured on the Quote/Estimate record.

Version: eXtendOrders

  • Added support to highlight the cells in Main Item modal which have the validation errors eg: when the quantity is not specified for a selected line, the quantity cell would be highlighted for that line.
  • Even if IMC calculation records are not created for an Imprint Method, the configurator UI should calculate the # of runs based on a Per Location Per Color approach. Learn More.
  • Allow the user to select more than 1000 vendors, imprint colors, imprint locations, PMS colors. Previously this was limited to 1000 options only.
  • Fixed a bug where on the Surcharge Item modal, the item selection list is empty after selecting an item when there is only single surcharge item defined.

Version: eXtendOrders

  • Fixed a bug to ensure that line items are generated respecting the order of the configured Cluster and Decoration lines.

Version: eXtendOrders

  • Fixed a bug where the line items were unable to commit upon line item generation.

Version: eXtendOrders

  • Added an option to let a user select an IMC record (Imprint Method) and then configure the Imprint Location as free-form text. Learn More.
  • Fixed a bug where the Main Item modal was not displaying the content upon copying the Cluster.