To manage, calculate, and transmit information related to product configuration, decoration, pricing, and receipt of configured purchase orders in the Product Pricing and Configuration and Purchase Order PromoStandards services, eXtendPS-SE uses the following custom record types to manage the information required to successfully implement those services:

  • IMC Product Line
  • IMC Group
  • IMC Imprint Method Configuration
When associated with your items in NetSuite, these custom records provide a framework for managing item configuration, decoration, and pricing. This framework can be easily managed within the NetSuite user interface. More information on IMC Groups and IMC Imprint Method Configurations is available here.

IMC Product Line

The IMC Product Line is a top-level record that is assigned to an item record. It is associated with an IMC Group and can be used to control the various decoration option groups that may be associated with a particular product line, group of items, or individual item. Typically, this record isn't utilized in eXtendPS-SE as this level of segmentation isn't often needed or applicable.

For example:
If you have an IMC Product Line for the "Default Product Line", you can add it to all applicable items where specific decoration groups (IMC Group records) will be used. This allows for quick and flexible decoration assignments via the top-level record, without the need to define decoration assignments for each individual item that may share the same configuration.
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IMC Group

The IMC Group record is used to group various IMC Imprint Method Configurations together. It is associated with an item record and available for selection after the parent IMC Product Line has been defined on the item. This record can be used to control the different decoration options that may be associated with a particular item.

Continuing the scenario in the prior section:
If the Default Product Line has been defined for an item (an IMC Product Line that controls our IMC Group options), we now have access to the select the Default IMC Group record to manage the IMC Imprint Method Configurations available for our item since the IMC Imprint Method Configurations are child records of the IMC Group.
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IMC Imprint Method Configuration

The IMC Imprint Method Configuration record, also known as an "IMC", is used to define the decoration configurations for an item, including the imprint method, imprint location, available imprint size, and charge item information. An IMC Group contains multiple IMC records, and the group (which is assigned to an Item) determines the available IMC records for that item. The IMC records store and manage most of the information transmitted in the Product Pricing and Configuration, as well as Purchase Order services.

In this example, the IMC record for Silkscreen is associated with our Default IMC Group. If we had an item assigned to the Default Product Line and Default IMC Group, this Silkscreen IMC record would be one of the options used to manage the available configurations for the item (along with any other applicable IMC records, as multiple IMC records are used to define multiple configuration options).
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Records Structure

Generic example:
  • Item
    • IMC Product Line
      • IMC Group
        • Imprint Method Configuration
        • Imprint Method Configuration
        • ...
Specific example (with IMC Product Line):
  • Item: Bag-789
    • IMC Product Line: Bag-789
      • IMC Group: Bag-789
        • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 1, Location 1 imprint details
        • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 1, Location 2 imprint details
        • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 2, Location 1 imprint details
        • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 2, Location 2 imprint details
        • ...
Specific example (without IMC Product Line):
  • Item: Bag-123
    • IMC Group: Standard Bag (this is the same group record and IMC records applied to Bag-456)
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 1, Location 1 imprint details
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 1, Location 2 imprint details
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 2, Location 1 imprint details
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 2, Location 2 imprint details
      • ...
  • Item: Bag-456
    • IMC Group: Standard Bag (this is the same group record and IMC records applied to Bag-123)
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 1, Location 1 imprint details
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 1, Location 2 imprint details
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 2, Location 1 imprint details
      • Imprint Method Configuration: Method 2, Location 2 imprint details
      • ...

FOB Points

To utilize services which heavily rely on IMC records, FOB Points are required as they are mandatory value in the underlying services (Product Data and Product Pricing and Configuration).

The following articles cover the creation and assignment of FOB Points.

Using IMC Product Line, IMC Group and IMC Imprint Method Configuration Records in eXtendPS-SE

During processing, eXtendPS-SE utilizes IMC Group and IMC Imprint Method Configuration records for sourcing the product configuration, decoration, and pricing information for items.

eXtendPS-SE Product Pricing and Configuration

eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order

Specifics regarding the configuration of the Purchase Order service are available in the following articles: