Version: eXtendOrders 2.1.66 and above
Audience: Administrator


Global settings for eXtendOrders can be managed on the eXtendOrders Processing Preferences page. Go to eXtendTech  eXtendOrders  Setup to access the settings.

eXtendOrders Processing Preferences

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Label Settings

  1. Deco Line Label
    The label which will be displayed on the item configurator modal for deco lines.
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  2. Cluster Label
    The label which will be displayed on the item configurator modal for clusters.
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  3. Display OIC Configurator Button Label
    The button label which will be displayed while in view mode for the item configurator modal.
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  4. Create Lines Button Label
    The button label which will be displayed for the "Create Line Item" button the item configurator modal.
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PO Settings

  1. Dropship PO Custom Form Internal ID
    Specify the transaction form to use during purchase order generation for dropship purchase orders being generated from the eXtendOrders item configurator. 
  2. Regular/Special Order PO Custom Form Internal ID
    Specify the transaction form to use during purchase order generation for normal or special order purchase orders being generated from the eXtendOrders item configurator. 
  3. PO Workflow
    Specify a list of workflow ids (in comma-separated format) that need to be executed upon purchase order generation. We recommend specifying all workflow ids that are deployed on the purchase order record. This will ensure that workflows are run during purchase order generation in cases where NetSuite may not trigger the workflow natively for eXtendOrders-generated purchase orders.

General Configurations

  1. Main Item GP%
    Set the GP% which will be applied by default on main items for price calculation of the main item.
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  2. Surcharge Item GP%
    Set the GP% which will be applied by default on surcharge items for price calculation.
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  3. Imprint Surcharge Item GP%
    Set the GP% which will be applied by default on imprint surcharge items for price calculation.
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  4. Target Service GP%
    Set GP% which will be applied by default on Setup, 1st Run, and Add. Run for price calculation.
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  5. Source Main Item Pricing
    If enabled, pricing will source from the customer price level or quantity-based pricing from the item in the main item modal.
  6. Source Surcharge Item Pricing
    If enabled, pricing will source from the customer price level or quantity-based pricing from the item in the surcharge item modal.
  7. Source Imprint Surcharge Item Pricing
    If enabled, pricing will source from the customer price level or quantity-based pricing from the item in the imprint surcharge item modal.
  8. Source Charge Item Pricing
    If enabled, pricing will source from the customer price level or quantity-based pricing from the item in the in the Configurator UI.
  9. Deco Vendor Intro Message
    Specify the text that appears in the deco vendor message to introduce the items that they will be expecting for receipt.
  10. Non-Taxable Internal ID
    Specify the internal id which represents the '
    -Not Taxable-' Tax Code in your NetSuite environment.
  11. Time Interval Between Line Generation (MS)
    Set a delay interval, in milliseconds, for client-side line item generation. This time interval ensures NetSuite has time for native sourcing and filtering. The recommended value is 1000.
  12. Hide Save Configuration Button
    This checkbox determines whether to show the "Save Configuration" button on the item configurator modal or not. See Enhance Performance of Line Item Generation Utilizing Server-Side Line Generation in eXtendOrders for how this button is often used.
  13. Is Supplier Edition
    When checked, supplier edition will be enabled for eXtendOrders. This disables distributor edition functionality. See 
    Distributor Edition Vs Supplier Edition for details on the differences between supplier and distributor edition.
  14. Hide Available Quantity On Item Modal
    When checked, the "Available Quantity" field will not be shown in the Configurator UI's main item modal.
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  15. Only In-House Deco
    When checked, the deco vendor selection will not appear on the item configurator modal. All orders will be considered as in-house deco.
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  16. Only In-House Blanks
    When checked, the main item vendor selection will not appear on the item configurator modal. All orders will be considered as in-house blanks.
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  17. Display Surcharge Cost/Price
    When checked, cost and price will be shown on the surcharge selection modal on the item configurator.
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    Note: This enables the cost and price display in eXtendOrders Supplier Edition. eXtendOrders Distributor Edition will always display these fields.
  18. Display Imprint Surcharge Cost/Price
    When checked, cost and price will be shown on the imprint surcharge selection modal on the item configurator.
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    : This enables the cost and price display in eXtendOrders Supplier Edition. eXtendOrders Distributor Edition will always display these fields.
  19. Hide Imprint Color
    When checked, the Color field will be hidden on the configurator UI.
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  20. Hide PMS Color
    When checked, the PMS Color field will be hidden on configurator UI.
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  21. Allow Imprint Colors as Selection
    When checked, Colors will be shown as a multi-select field. If unchecked, Colors will be shown as a free-form text field on the configurator UI. See Configure Imprint Color and Imprint PMS Colors for more details.
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  22. Allow PMS Colors Selection
    When checked, PMS Color will be shown as a multi-select field. If unchecked, PMS Color will be shown as a free-form text field on the configurator UI. You can add more PMS color options to the multi-select list by specifying them in the "eXtend PMS" custom record. See Configure Imprint Color and Imprint PMS Colors for more details.
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  23. Display Imprint Location Option Based on Imprint Method
    When checked, Location will be based on the selected Method on the configurator UI. When unchecked, Method will be based on the selected Location on the configurator UI.
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  24. Configure Deco Using Imprint Config
    When checked, the Imprint Config(IMC) field will be shown on the configurator UI.
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  25. Display Imprint Location As Text
    When checked, Method and Location be shown as drop-down fields in the configurator UI. When unchecked, Method and Location will be shown as free-form text fields and the Imprint Config(IMC) field will be displayed in the configurator UI. See Configure eXtendOrder Configurator UI to show Decoration Options Contextually for more information.
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  26. Use Imprint Vendor As Deco Vendor
    When checked, the vendor specified on Imprint Method Configuration (IMC) records will be auto-populated as the decorator vendor.

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    Note: Upon adding a deco line, the first vendor specified on the main item will be defaulted as the deco vendor, but it will update the vendor upon a selection of the IMC record to use for the decoration.
  27. Default Item IMC Group
    Select the IMC Group you want to use by default for items where an IMC Group or IMC is not specified.

Copy/Transform Order Configurations

  1. Show Copy Order Button on Transactions
    Select the transaction types where eXtendOrders' Copy Order function should be available. See Using eXtendOrders' Copy Order Feature for more information.
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  2. Show Transform Order Button on Quote
    Enable this option to show the "Transform Order" button on Estimate (Quote) records. When triggered, an Estimate (Quote) record will be transformed to a Sales Order and carry along the OIC records present from the Estimate (Quote) record.
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  3. Is Copy PO Rate
    In some cases, when copying an Estimate or Sales Order using eXtendOrders' Copy Order button, an item's PO Rate is not sourced by NetSuite on the resulting record's line items. To work around this NetSuite sourcing issue, the IS COPY PO RATE override is available.

    When enabled, the PO Rate is copied to the line items from the associated OIC record's item cost, and the Cost Estimate Type is set to Custom on all line items.

Item Picker

  1. Color Field ID
    Select an item record field ID from which an item's color will be sourced for display on the item selection modal. You can provide multiple comma-separated field IDs. The first field ID which will has value will be displayed.
  2. Matrix Color Field ID
    Select the matrix optionfield ID from which an item color's will be sourced for display on the matrix item selection modal. You can provide multiple comma-separated field IDs. The first field ID which will has value will be displayed. This field’s value will be used to display colors on the item selection modal in for matrix subitems.
  3. Size Field ID
    Select an item record field ID from which an item's size will be sourced for display on the item selection modal. You can provide multiple comma-separated field IDs. The first field ID which will has value will be displayed.
  4. Matrix Size Field ID
    Select the matrix optionfield ID from which an item's size will be sourced for display on the matrix item selection modal. You can provide multiple comma-separated field IDs. The first field ID which will has value will be displayed. This field’s value will be used to display colors on the item selection modal in for matrix subitems.
  5. Vendor Field ID
    Select the item field ID from which an item's vendor will be sourced for display on the item selection modal. This applies when no preferred vendor is specified on the item record. You can provide multiple comma-separated field IDs. The first field ID which will has value will be displayed.
  6. Avoid Sourcing Preferred Vendor
    When checked, the preferred vendor for an item will not be sourced on order configurator UI upon selection of a main item.
  7. Avoid Integrated DE Bundle Item Search Options
    When eXtendAlphaBroder, eXtendASI-DE, eXtendPS-DE, or eXtendSanMar is installed, enabling this preference will hide the item constitution shortcuts in the main item modal from display.
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  8. Avoid eXtendSAGE-DE Bundle Item Search Option
    When eXtendSAGE-DE is installed, enabling this preference will hide the item constitution shortcut in the main item modal from display.
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  9. Main Item Modal Initial Search Limit
    Number of search results which will initially render when searching items.
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  10. File Picker Button Label
    Specify the field label to be used for the File Picker button. See Configure eXtendFiles File Picker and Field Label with eXtendOrders 2.0 for more information on the File Picker.
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  11. eXtendFiles Additional URL Param
    This field can be used to specify predefined values for eXtendFiles created in the order configurator UI. The parameter format to use is: &{field ID}={value}.
    When checked, artwork file links will be added only to Setup line items (instead of for all deco lines).
  13. Vendor Option List Size
    Number of search results which will initially render when selecting a vendor in the item or deco vendor lists.

Saved Searches

  1. Deco Vendor Saved Search ID
    a saved search which will used to populate decorator vendors in the decoration section of the order configurator modal. This can help differentiate between decoration vendors and blank item vendors. The default saved search is “eXtendOrders Decoration Vendor [Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.
  2. Main Item Vendor Saved Search ID
    Specify a saved search which will used to populate blank item (Main Item) vendors in the main item section of the order configurator modal. This can help differentiate between decoration vendors and blank item (Main Item) vendors. The default saved search is “eXtendOrders Main Item Vendor [Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.
  3. Main Item Saved Search ID
    Specify a saved search which will be used to populate the main item/blank item listin the order configurator modal. The default saved search is “eXtendOrders Modal Main Item Search[Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.
  4. Surcharge Item Saved Search ID
    Specify a saved search which will be used to populate the surcharge items list. There is a custom item field “eXtend - Item Surcharge” which can be used to flag an item as an item surcharge. The default saved search provided is “eXtendOrders Modal Imprint Item Search[Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.
  5. Imprint Charge Saved Search ID
    Specify a saved search which will be used to populate the imprint surcharge items list. There is a custom item field “eXtend - Imprint Surcharge” which can be used to flag an item as an imprint surcharge item. The default saved search is “eXtendOrders Modal Surcharge Item Search [Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.
  6. OIC Saved Search ID
    Specify a saved search which will be used to find OIC records for display when in view mode. The default saved search is “eXtendOrders OIC record search [Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.
  7. Backup OIC Saved Search ID
    Specify a saved search which will be used to find OIC records that have been backed up. The default saved search is “
    eXtendOrders Orphan OICs To Show On UI[Bundle]”. Copy this saved search and add any additional criteria.

Pre-Config Item Settings

  1. OIC Source Pre-Config Item Field Id
    Specify the OIC record field that will store the Pre-Config item reference when generating OIC lines from Pre-Config items. This field type should be a List/Record → Item reference.
    Note: This field id should not be "custrecordextend_oic_masterpreconfigitem".
  2. Transaction Line Pre-Config Item Field Id
    Specify an item field from the line item which will store the source Pre-Config item reference while generating the line items from Pre-Config OIC records. This field type should be a List/Record → Item reference.

Additional Settings

  1. Repeat Order
    Specify a checkbox field on the transaction record which determines whether the order is a repeat order or not. See Configure and Define a Sales Order as a Repeat Order / Reorder for more information.
  2. Configuration UI Width (%)
    The width of the item configurator can be controlled by specifying a width percentage. See Configure Decoration Configurator UI Width in eXtendOrders for more information.
  3. Item Search Columns
    This field is meant to work along with eXtendDAC. These will be item fields which identify if the assembly item has dynamic components.
  4. Display Dynamic Vendor Option
    When checked, the vendor list will render dynamically on the order configurator UI. It is recommended to use this option if your vendor list is greater than 1000.
  5. Is Imprint Location and Method Required
    When checked, the Imprint Location and Method fields will be required in the configurator UI. If these values are not defined and error message will be displayed.
  6. Allow OIC Configuration on Purchase Order
    When checked, the order configurator UI will be displayed on Purchase Order records. You will be able to create Purchase Orders with the item configuration features provided by eXtendOrders. The functionality of the order configuration for Purchase Orders is different than Sales Order configuration.
  7. OIC GLOM Field IDs
    Specify an "eXtend OIC Order Imprint Configuration" custom record field which will be used for the storing of OIC data. See Line Generation Using GLOM Data for more information.
  8. Backup OIC
    When checked, the configurator UI will backup OIC records during order configuration. This allows restoration of an OIC record if the order encounters an error during its save event by using the "Show Recent Configurations" button. By default, backed up OIC records will be deleted after 1 week. See Configuring the OIC Backup Feature in eXtendOrders for more information.
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