Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.0 and above
Audience: Administrator


eXtendTech is committed to providing support for the latest enhancements added by PromoStandards. Some of the recent service additions require configurations to ensure that PromoStandards values are correctly mapped to the appropriate fields and that the services are enabled. This article provides instructions for adding support for the latest versions of PromoStandards services if you currently support a previous version of the service.

Below are the details regarding the configurations required for upgrading the version of PromoStandards services within eXtendPS-SE.

  • You can keep multiple versions of services active. For example, you may want to keep both Invoice 0.0.1 and Invoice 1.0.0 running. This ensures that your distributors have ample time to plan the upgrades on their end.

General Upgrade Steps

  1. Enable the new service version.
    When a new version of PromoStandards services is supported by eXtendPS-SE, it will be visible in the eXtendPS-SE Setup screen in the Services field.
    Image Placeholder

    To enable a new service, enable the field in the services field and click Submit to save your changes.

    Note: eXtendTech recommends against disabling previous service versions, as doing so would prevent your connected customers/distributors from accessing the service. Once all your customers/distributors have migrated to the latest service version then it would be safe to disable a previous service version.

  2. Update eXtendPS-SE Users records with the latest service(s).
    Once the new service version is enabled, it will be visible on the eXtendPS-SE Users custom record in the eXtendPS-SE Services field. To grant a customer/distributor access to the service, you need to enable the new version in the service list for their user record.

    eXtendPS-SE - Add/Remove User for more information on working with eXtendPS-SE Users records.

    Note: eXtendTech recommends against disabling previous service versions, as doing so would prevent your connected customers/distributors from accessing the service. Once all your customers/distributors have migrated to the latest service version then it would be safe to disable a previous service version.

  3. Configure the new service.
    A service version upgrade may require its respective eXtendPS-SE Setup configuration be updated. The following sections will provide more information on the required configuration changes for supporting service upgrades.

  4. Validate service response(s).
    After service enablement and configurations are complete, the responses should be validated to confirm that the newly configured field values are valid as per the PromoStandards specifications.

    See Using the Web Service Validator to test eXtendPS-SE Endpoints for information on validating service responses.

  5. Add endpoints to the PromoStandards website.
    See View an eXtendPS-SE Endpoint's URL for instructions on accessing an eXtendPS-SE endpoint URL. After you have the endpoint URL, add the URL to your service listings on

  6. Notify Customers/Distributors of service version upgrade.
    Once all the above steps are completed, you can now communicate with your customers regarding the version upgrade. Provide them with the new version's endpoints so that they can access the PromoStandards services according to the latest version.

Upgrading Inventory 1.2.1 to Inventory 2.0.0

In Inventory 2.0.0, the following Inventory 1.2.1 fields are no longer supported by PromoStandards:
  1. partBrand 
  2. customProductMessage
Fields added in Inventory 2.0.0 and details regarding their configuration are as follows:
  1. mainPart - The mapping for this field is handled internally and in response the parent item will always have this value as checked. But if user searches for child item directly in that case too this field will be returned as true.
  2. manufacturedItem - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Inventory Service setup field IS MANUFACTURED ITEM*. 
  3. buyToOrder - This field is mapped with Special Order & Drop Ship field present on your item record but the value of this field will not be sent in response until it is enabled from eXtendPS-SE setup field SHOW BUY TO ORDER FOR DROP SHIP AND SPECIAL ORDER*
  4. replenishmentLeadTime - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Inventory Service setup field REPLENISHMENT LEAD TIME, more details regarding configuring this field can be found in this article.
  5. labelSize - In Inventory 2.0.0 attributeSize field is changed to labelSize and now its values are predefined by PromoStandards so you will need to provide its mapping with your apparel size value otherwise apparel size value will be returned as custom. Please refer to this article regarding creation of apparel size map.
  6. Quantity UOM - In Inventory 2.0.0 quantity field also include quantity UOM (unit of measure) and the UOM values are predefined by PromoStandards. In order to send correct UOM value as per PromoStandards you will need to create a mapping between your NetSuite UOM values against PromoStandards UOM value.Please refer to this article regarding creation of UOM map.
  7. InventoryLocationArray - This field is mapped with the locations selected by you on eXtendPS-SE setup under field INVENTORY LOCATIONS* but the details regarding each location inventory will only be sent in response if field INCLUDE INVENTORY LOCATION* is checked on setup.
  8. FutureAvailabilityArray - Future availability of item is calculated based on the Purchase Orders placed against the item in your NetSuite account. If you want to show the future availability then you will need to check the checkbox SHOW FUTURE AVAILABILITY FOR ITEMS* and you will need to specify Purchase Order date field which will show the receipt of the items under field SHOW FUTURE AVAILABILITY ITEM RECEIPT DATE* (Recommended field for this is expectedreceiptdate) present on eXtendPS-SE Inventory setup.
* For more details regarding eXtendPS-SE Inventory Service configuration, see Configure eXtendPS-SE Live Inventory Service Response.

Upgrading Product Data 1.0.0 to Product Data 2.0.0

All the fields supported by Product Data 1.0.0 are supported by Product Data 2.0.0.
Fields added in Product Data 2.0.0 and details regarding their configuration are as follows:
  1. LocationDecorationArray - This information is sent in response based on eXtendPS-SE Pricing & Configuration setup configuration done for decoration field mappings. You will need to configure eXtendPS-SE Pricing Service Setup with decoration field mappings for sending this information in response. Please refer to this articles for details regarding eXtendPS-SE Pricing setup configuration. For details regarding how this information is sent, please refer to this article.
  2. ProductPriceGroupArray - For details regarding configuration of this field please refer to this article.
  3. complianceInfoAvailable - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service setup field COMPLIANCE INFO AVAILABLE (2.0 ONLY)**.
  4. unspscCommodityCode - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service setup field UNSPSC COMMODITY CODE (2.0 ONLY)**.
  5. imprintSize - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service setup field IMPRINT SIZE** present under Other Configuration subtab under field groups Product 2.0 Specific Configuration.
  6. defaultSetUpCharge - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service setup field DEFAULT SET UP CHARGE** present under Other Configuration subtab under field groups Product 2.0 Specific Configuration.
  7. defaultRunCharge - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service setup field DEFAULT RUN CHARGE** present under Other Configuration subtab under field groups Product 2.0 Specific Configuration.
  8. FobPointArray - This information is sent in response based on eXtendPS-SE Pricing & Configuration setup configuration done for decoration field mappings. You will need to configure eXtendPS-SE Pricing Service Setup with decoration field mappings for sending this information in response. This value is send in same way as FOB points are sent in eXtendPS-SE Pricing & Configuration. For details regarding how this information is sent, please refer to this article.
  9. ColorArray - This array object field is modified in Product Data 2.0.0 and it now have field standardColorName. For configuring this field please refer to this article. Note: If this field configuration is already done in your account then it will work for Product Data 2.0.0 service too but it will not return the value if standardColorName.
** For more details regarding eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service configuration, see eXtendPS-SE Product Data Service Setup Configuration.

Upgrading Invoice 0.0.1 to Invoice 1.0.0

In Invoice 1.0.0, the following Invoice 0.0.1 fields are no longer supported by PromoStandards:
  1. shippingAndHandlingAmount - In Invoice 1.0.0 this field is divided into two fields namely shippingAmount & handlingAmount. Details regarding the configuration is mentioned in previous section.
  2. invoiceLineItemID
  3. lineItemType
  4. lineItemTax - Tax fields are now replaced with TaxArray object in Invoice 1.0.0. Details regarding the configuration is mentioned in previous section.
  5. lineItemTaxType - Tax fields are now replaced with TaxArray object in Invoice 1.0.0. Details regarding the configuration is mentioned in previous section.

Fields added in Invoice 1.0.0 and details regarding their configuration are as follows:
  1. purchaseOrderVersion - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field PURCHASE ORDER VERSION*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  2. paymentDueDate - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field PAYMENT DUE DATE*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  3. salesAmount - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field SALES AMOUNT*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  4. shippingAmount - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field SHIPPING AMOUNT*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  5. handlingAmount - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field HANDLING AMOUNT*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  6. taxAmount - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field TAX AMOUNT*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  7. advancePaymentAmount - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ADVANCE PAYMENT AMOUNT*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  8. invoiceAmount - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field TOTAL AMOUNT*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  9. invoiceAmountDue - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field AMOUNT DUE*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  10. productId - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field LINE ITEM PRODUCT ID*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  11. invoiceLineItemNumber - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field LINE ITEM NUMBER*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  12. partId - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ITEM PART ID*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  13. chargeId - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field CHARGE ID*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  14. orderedQuantity - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ITEM ORDERED QUANTITY*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  15. invoiceQuantity - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field Quantity*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  16. backOrderedQuantity - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ITEM BACK ORDERED QUANTITY*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  17. quantityUOM - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ITEM UOM*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  18. lineItemDescription - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ITEM DESCRIPTION*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  19. unitPrice - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field ITEM UNIT PRICE*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  20. extendedPrice - In Invoice 0.0.1 the value of this field was mapped internally in scripts but in Invoice 1.0.0 this field is now configurable from eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field  ITEM EXTENDED PRICE*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  21. distributorProductId - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field DISTRIBUTOR PRODUCT ID*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  22. distributorPartId - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field DISTRIBUTOR PART ID*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  23. taxType - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field TAXES TAX TYPE FIELD*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  24. taxJurisdiction - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field TAXES TAX JUSRISDICTION FIELD*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
  25. taxAmount - This field is mapped via eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service setup field TAXES TAX AMOUNT FIELD*** present under WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) field group.
*** For more details regarding eXtendPS-SE Invoice Service configuration, see Invoice Service Setup Configuration and Invoice Service Field Mapping and Service Configuration.