1. Is it possible to assign files to a specific line item?

    Yes, it's possible by using our Inline Upload feature. Please see the "
    Inline Upload with line-level information" section in the Using the eXtendFiles Inline Upload Feature.

  2. Is it possible to transfer all eXtendFiles created on a quote to a sales order, and then from the sales order to an attached purchase order?

    We offer a feature in our eXtendFiles bundle that links eXtendFiles records to the transformed record upon record transformation. This feature can be enabled with the eXtendFiles Setup page's LINK FILES TO RELATED TRANSACTIONS field. More information on the eXtendFiles Setup page is available in Configuring eXtendFiles Setup.

    Note: By default, eXtendFiles transfer from sales order to purchase order are only sent to the first purchase order which is generated (in cases where multiple purchase orders may be generated). To ensure they go to a specific purchase order, custom scripts can be implemented.

  3. How is the file link typically seen on the sales order? Is it sent out via email, or can the images be shown in a PDF?
    1. For internal NetSuite users, on the sales order (or any other record where eXtendFiles is configured), the eXtendFiles list will be shown similar to any other custom record linked to a transaction or any other record in NetSuite. Along with the list, linked eXtendFiles can be shown in an inline HTML field in a table.  See Configure eXtendFiles Inline Link View on a Record for more details regarding this feature.
    2. For sending eXtendFiles in an email, you can either use the eXtendFiles' approval link or the proof link which is set under a field using eXtendFiles File Picker. The eXtendFiles approval link allows your customers to review and comment on the eXtendFiles, as well as approving or rejecting them. See Using the Multi-Approval Webpage with eXtendFiles and Configuring the eXtendFiles File Picker Feature for more details regarding these features.
    3. Once the eXtendFiles record is set under a field using the File Picker, its link can be shown on printed PDFs. Uploaded images are also converted into thumbnails, allowing you to render them on printed PDFs.

  4. The eXtendFiles record is not set as Private based on File Type (custom) even though the File Type is configured to be Private?

    This issue could be due to the following reasons:
    1. A permitted user made file public explicitly by clicking Make Public/Private button. In this case, the default sharing settings will have been overridden.

      Note: in this case, the eXtendFiles - file Sharing Overridden and eXtendFiles - Exclude File Sharing From M/R checkboxes will be enabled.
    2. If the default sharing type is set to Public, initially all uploaded files will be public even if you have selected a File Type which is configured to be private. These will be processed on a recurring schedule by NetSuite's map/reduce system and the file need be set as private during the next scheduled run. See the eXtendFiles Sharing Method M/R Configuration section in Configure eXtendFiles File Sharing Settings for more information.

  5. Why can I see private files even when the eXtendFiles record is private?

    This issue may occur if you open the signed URL for the file using an Administrator role )or any other role which is permitted to view signed URLs) and then you switch to a role that doesn't have permission to view the signed URLs.

    Your browser may have already cached the signed URL (which you had accessed previously using a role that had permission to view the signed URL). To resolve this issue, you must clear your browser cache or try to view the file in another web browser.

  6. When uploading multiple files, the fields specified on the eXtendFiles record are not copied to all eXtendFiles records.
    1. Case1 - When using the multiple file upload through a record other than Opportunity, Quote. Sales Order, Purchase Order.

      In this case, you will need to specify the internal IDs for the fields which you want to copy to all eXtendFiles record in the eXtendFiles Setup page's FIELD IDS TO CLONE IN MULTI-FILE UPLOAD. See Add eXtendFiles to a New Record Type for more information.
    2. Case2 - When using field sourcing filtering for a field whose value is dependent on another field.
      In this case, you will need to specify the internal IDs for the fields which you want to copy to all eXtendFiles record in the eXtendFiles Setup page's FIELD IDS TO CLONE IN MULTI-FILE UPLOAD. See Add eXtendFiles to a New Record Type for more information.

  7. Why is the eXtendFiles - Folder Information custom record is not showing any value against field Store?

    This issue happens when the eXtendFiles User Event script is not deployed on the eXtendFiles - Folder Information custom record. To resolve this issue, create a script deployment for the eXtendFiles User Event against the eXtendFiles - Folder Information custom record. See Configure Folder Information to upload file to specific folders for more information.

  8. Why is the eXtendFiles inline upload not visible on records in NetSuite mobile?

    The eXtendFiles inline upload feature is not supported in the NetSuite mobile app.

  9. Public Upload URL is giving 404 - Page not found error.

    This issue could be due to an incorrect UUID being present in the public upload URL. This issue occurs when same UUID field is used for generating approval and public upload URLs. To resolve this issue, use different UUID fields when generating public upload URLs and approval URLs.
    See the articles below for more information regarding approval and public upload configuration:
  10. What happens to my old files if I change my Microsoft SharePoint/OneDrive folder path on the eXtendFiles Setup page?

    If you are not using the user-based file uploads feature (Configuring User Based File Upload in OneDrive), there will be no issues in accessing your files uploaded to a previous folder. This is because the files uploaded in Microsoft SharePoint/OneDrive are always public and can be accessible by anyone having the file link.

  11. How to can eXtendFiles be configured in a Release Preview account?

    Release Preview accounts can be configured in similar way as a Sandbox environment in configured after a Production account refresh.
    The following configurations are necessary:
    1. Assign a unique subdomain on Approval Setup screen.
    2. Configure your cloud storage on eXtendFiles Setup screen.
    3. You can re-use the storage settings of a Sandbox account, or you can use new storage settings which are dedicated to your Release Preview account.

      The articles below contain additional information for the necessary configurations.
  12. Why am I limited to uploading only 15 files at once when using the eXtendFiles drag-and-drop upload?
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    To comply with NetSuite Script Governance, a maximum of 15 files can be uploaded at once to remain within NetSuite's usage limits.

  13. Why are eXtendFiles not automatically linking to all associated records in a 1:N transaction relationship as part of the Linked Transaction File Flow? For example, when there is 1 Sales Order with 2+ Purchase Orders or 1 Sales Order with 2+ Invoices, only the first transaction (first Purchase Order or first Invoice) shows eXtendFiles associated from the Sales Order.

    Currently, eXtendFiles supports 1:1 record linking for the linked transaction file flow. As an example, this means that when eXtendFiles are added to a Sales Order, it can only link the Sales Order's eXtendFiles to one Purchase Order and one Invoice. If there is a 1:N relationship, such as a Sales Order to ten Purchase Orders or a Sales Order to three Invoices, the eXtendFiles record will not be automatically linked with subsequent Purchase Orders or Invoices after the first one, respectively.

    This limitation is due to the fact that the reference field in eXtendFiles only allows linking with a single transaction (as shown in the example below). Note: eXtendFiles can still be directly uploaded against any Purchase Order or Invoice and be associated with that particular record. This limitation only applies to the automatic linked transaction file flow process for downstream transactions.
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